Two Professors Dismissed

Over the last 2 years, two Professors have been dismissed at Leiden University because of serious bullying or coercive behaviour. They are Prof Tim de Zeeuw (astronomy) and Prof Corinne Hofman (archaeology) In the case of Prof Hofman, Leiden University itself broke the news that ‘a professor and their partner had engaged Read more…

Astro-Bullies 1

There have been a series of high-profile bullying scandals in astronomy in recent years. These include : These scandals have affected European & American universities. What about the UK? The Royal Astronomical Society has just carried out a survey of bullying and harassment. There were 661 respondents, working in the Read more…

The 21 Group Launches its Survey

There is a need for more statistics on bullying, discrimination, harassment & victimisation in academia. Existing surveys are either restricted to certain subject areas (eg astronomy & geophysics) and/or curiously unavailable (eg EPSRC’s Report on “Understanding the status of underrepresented groups in the Information and Communication Technologies” which examined computer Read more…

The Shame of the LSE

The London School of Economics (LSE) have just provided another classic example of failure to deal with harassment. The outcome has been — predictably enough — the demoralization of the victims and the exoneration of the aggressor, who is now free to exact revenge. The story is a familiar one, Read more…