The 21 Group was reassured by the following words from the first annual address of the new Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University, Prof Debbie Prentice, on October 2nd,

Much of the work of the university this year will focus on people, for people are at the heart of everything we do. People are the means and the ends of the work of a university. I have talked about the opportunities and challenges of aligning the academic and public sides of Cambridge’s mission, but none of that matters if people do not want to come to work here. It is people who animate the community of scholars, and people whose imaginations and ambitions fuel the impact of the public institution.” (Prof Debbie Prentice)

We agree that a university is a people organisation and we must look after its people. A safe and supportive environment, free from bullying and harassment, is a pre-requisite for a successful world-class academic institution.

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